
2023-09-08 15:55:46 作者:博你怜爱




 类用户的LT;的ActiveRecord :: Base的


  SELECT * FROM厂商,其中user_ID的= 1;
SELECT * FROM教师,其中user_ID的= 1;
Java中的at com.jfinal.plugin.activerecord.Db.query错误,怎么解决呀



所以,我一直使用单表继承来解决问题试过了,我已经结束了一个用户表,记录只包含一个用户类型。虽然仍采用单表继承,如何让我的用户有多种类型的? (我知道这基本上是一个多一对多的关系,我只是不知道如何做到这一点使用STI。)

  ID | FIRST_NAME |姓氏| birth_date |城| zip_ code |电子邮件|键入| created_at |的updated_at
  1 |晃|山冈| | | | |供应商| 2014年8月30日14:58:26.917333 | 2014年8月30日14:58:26.917333
  2 |金字塔|头| | | | |教师| 2014年8月30日15:02:04.70209 | 2014年8月30日15:02:04.70209






 班通<的ActiveRecord :: Base的


 类事件<的ActiveRecord :: Base的

类用户的LT;的ActiveRecord :: Base的


 导轨G型VendorPass --no迁移--parent =通行证
导轨G型FacultyPass --no迁移--parent =通行证


 类事件<的ActiveRecord :: Base的

  # 新的东西!


类用户的LT;的ActiveRecord :: Base的

  # 新的东西!


Rails的维护自己的理解 VendorPass 这是这是一个,其键入 VendorPass ,同 FacultyPass


不难想象:数据结构,似乎是理智和逻辑 我们可以自由地在不改变数据库中添加更多类型的 ES


没有办法添加额外的字段的只有特定的子类:他们都在同一个表 协会看上去有点重复,繁琐 在Rails的只允许键入是一个字符串,不是最快的类型比较

Basically, a User can participate in one or more events as either (or potentially both) a vendor and as a member of the event's faculty.

A user is, by default, categorized as neither a vendor nor a faculty member but rather attains either (or both) status(es) within the context of an event (e.g., the user has been admitted to an event as a member of its faculty).

It seems like what I want to say is that the user has many events through either (or both) the vendors or the faculty linking tables, but I'm not sure I'd go about representing this in my Rails model. Here's what I've tried so far:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :events through => vendors
  has_many :events through => faculty

Here's a sample of a query that I think I'd need to make:

Select * from vendors where user_id = 1;
Select * from faculty where user_id = 1;

Could someone provide some direction as to how to properly form this ActiveRecord association?


So, I've tried using single-table inheritance to solve the issue, and I've ended up with a user table which records containing only a single user type. While still using single-table inheritance, how do I get my users to have multiple types? (I know this is essentially a many-to-many relationship; I'm just not sure of how to accomplish this using STI.)

id | first_name | last_name | birth_date | city | zip_code | email |  type   |         created_at         |         updated_at
  1 | Akira      | Yamaoka   |            |      |          |       | Vendor  | 2014-08-30 14:58:26.917333 | 2014-08-30 14:58:26.917333
  2 | Pyramid    | Head      |            |      |          |       | Faculty | 2014-08-30 15:02:04.70209  | 2014-08-30 15:02:04.70209


Single-table inheritance might be what you need. In a nutshell: it allows several classes with the same kind of data to be put into one table. The only requirement is that that table has a type column, a string.

Basically, it's about common sense. Let's say, a user can have passes to an event: a vendor's pass and a faculty member's pass. He might have both. Let's create a Pass model, bearing in mind that we'll need different kinds of it. But we'll use it later. For now let's just stick to has_many through:

rails g model Pass type:string user:references event:references

Migrate this and we won't need to modify our database anymore. We'll only modify Ruby. We should have got a class Pass, we'll need to mark its role in association:

class Pass < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :user
  belongs_to :event

All right. Then we'll have this sort of User and Event:

class Event < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :passes
  has_many :users, through: :passes

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :passes
  has_many :events, through: :passes

Here's where the STI magic comes. Let's create two more classes.

rails g model VendorPass --no-migration --parent=Pass
rails g model FacultyPass --no-migration --parent=Pass

We've generated some classes without database tables (we don't need them). They are empty and we won't change it: they inherit a Pass and that's all we need. But we'll need to create some extra associations between our User, Event and the new passes. In the end, I've found this working:

class Event < ActiveRecord::Base
  # We already had this
  has_many :passes
  has_many :users, through: :passes

  # New stuff!
  has_many :vendor_passes
  has_many :vendors, through: :vendor_passes, source: :user

  has_many :faculty_passes
  has_many :faculty_members, through: :faculty_passes, source: :user

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  # We already had this
  has_many :passes
  has_many :events, through: :passes

  # New stuff!
  has_many :vendor_passes
  has_many :vendor_events, through: :vendor_passes, source: :event

  has_many :faculty_passes
  has_many :faculty_events, through: :faculty_passes, source: :event

Rails maintains its own understanding of VendorPass which is "it's a Pass, whose type is VendorPass", same with FacultyPass.

The good parts:

Easy to imagine: data structure seems sane and logical We're free to add more types of Passes without changing the database

The bad parts:

No way to add extra fields to only specific subclasses of Pass: they're all in the same table Associations look a bit repetitive and cumbersome Rails only allows type to be a string, not the fastest type to compare