
2023-09-08 15:42:03 作者:难免孤独

我实施的的Facebook 的应用程序和使用的 AJAX / JSON 的。

I am implementing a Facebook application and using AJAX/JSON.

然而 JSON 的返回的结构具有这种格式 2010-05-30T06:14:00Z

However the JSON structures that are returned have this format 2010-05-30T06:14:00Z.

我打电话 Game.all.to_json 在控制器动作。

I'm calling Game.all.to_json in controller action.


How can I convert them to a normal date format?

时更容易使用从服务器端或客户端做的 FBJS 的? 有很多的bug的 FBJS 的。

Is it easier to do it from the server side or the client side using fbjs? There are a lot of bugs with fbjs.

所以,我将使用从服务器端使用的解决方案preFER(的活动记录)。就像将数据发送 JSON 结构之前。

So i would prefer using a solution from the Server side using (Active Records). Like converting the data before sending the JSON structures.


我说我自己的自定义格式的JSON我回来的方法是猴子补丁添加到的ActiveSupport TimeWithZone类。

The way I added my own custom format to the json I was returning was to add a monkey patch to the ActiveSupport TimeWithZone class.

添加文件在config /初始化文件夹中有如下内容:

Add a file in the config/initializers folder with the following contents:

class ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone
    def as_json(options = {})
        strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')