正确的方法来为您在的Flex /的Actionscript空日期?您在、来为、正确、日期

2023-09-08 15:24:55 作者:花舞花落泪

在与日期工作()中的Flex / ActionScript对象,我使用下面的函数来检查空日期。这是正确的方式来检查空日期或是否有更好的选择了吗?

  如果(日期和放大器;&安培;!date.fullYear = 0)




Flash AS3 相对于AS2 新的特性和改动

 如果(日期== NULL)


谢谢, 肖恩

When working with Date() objects in Flex/Actionscript, I'm using to following function to check for null dates. Is this the proper way to check for a null date or is there a better alternative out there?

public function IsDateNull(date:Date):Boolean
  if (date && date.fullYear != 0)
    return true;

  return false;


Since Date is a class that extends Object and isn't a primitive type it doesn't have a default value and therefore should only be null if it hasn't yet been instantiated. Is the Date being populated from some sort of database mapping or something along those lines? otherwise not just




no need to have a function to do this. For the DateField.selectedDate the value should be null if no date has been selected yet. This wasn't originally posted as an answer because I don't entirely understand the issue being encountered it sounds as though there's a variety of cases though. Depending on the service layer and underlying JDBC (or other connector) to the DB and the type of DB and datatype the values can vary. In general a Date will be null until memory is acquired for it through a call to the constructor though.

Thanks, Shaun