从Active Directory Syncronizing数据库数据库、Active、Directory、Syncronizing

2023-09-08 13:05:17 作者:一城烟雨柳色青

我要和从Active Directory用户和组同步我的用户数据库。 我的应用程序读取AD对象并将其复制到数据库,但被过时,因为AD的变化。

I want to synchronize my user database with the users and groups from active directory. My application reads the objects from AD and copies them to the database but gets outdated as AD changes.

有没有一种方法可以让我得到Active Directory来通知我,当一个对象被改变了吗? C#示例code将是巨大的。

Is there a way I can get active directory to notify me when a object is changed ? C# sample code would be great.


P.S。 I'm usung Oracle数据库

P.S. I´m usung an Oracle Database



ActiveDirectory user account's have 'whenCreated' and 'whenChanged' attributes. If you are synchronizing a lot of user accounts and performance is a concern, then you can query ActiveDirectory and filter out just those records which have changed since you last successfully synchronized.


The syntax of these attributes is (The capital Z at the end is mandatory and denotes Zulu time, which is the same as GMT):

YYYY MM DD HH mm ss.s Z
2009 06 30 00 00 00.0 Z


To search for all users created on or after June 30th, 2009 you could use this LDAP query:



The code doing the synchronization will need to be responsible for logging the last synchornization time though.