IOS是否支持Active Directory以任何方式?方式、IOS、Active、Directory

2023-09-09 21:39:19 作者:Address(地址)


I know this a pretty general question and I'm not looking for code or anything. Even a link or short explanation would be nice.. Specifically searching for a way to browse network based active directories from an internal IOS application. Using a cloud or email is not an option.. Possible?


有一个的最近在IBM developerWorks上的文章,介绍了如何使用的 OpenLDAP客户库的在iOS的环境。您可以使用OpenLDAP客户库来访问LDAP源,包括Active Directory。支持并非所有的Active Directory操作,但连基​​本的查询,应足以建立一个浏览应用程序。

There is a recent article on IBM developerWorks that explains how to use OpenLDAP client libraries in the iOS environment. You can use OpenLDAP client libraries to access LDAP sources, including Active Directory. Not all Active Directory operations are supported, but even basic queries should be sufficient for building a browsing application.