
2023-09-08 12:30:37 作者:弒血

我要创建一个基本的MP3播放器在ActionScript 3。我有一个基本的进度条,指示歌曲太多发挥。进度计算为百分比数0和1之间归为这样:

I'm creating a basic MP3 player in ActionScript 3. I have a basic progress bar that indicates how much of the song has played. The progress is calculated as a decimal percentage normalized between 0 and 1 as such:

var progress:Number = channel.position / sound.length;


The problem is, if the audio is still loading/buffering the sound.length is incorrect. This causes my progress bar to skip around and even travel backwards until the sound has completely loaded and the sound.length isn't changing anymore.


What is the best way to determine the final length of a sound object that is still loading?




1: Leave your progress bar at 0%, and don't move it until the sound has loaded completely. That is:

sound.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onSoundComplete);

private function onSoundComplete(event:Event):void {
    // Calculate progress


2: Approximate percentage based on the percentage of the file that has already loaded. Something like this:

private var _sound:Sound = /* Your logic here */;
private var _channel:SoundChannel = _sound.play();

_sound.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onSoundProgress);

private function onSoundProgress(event:ProgressEvent):void {
    var percentLoaded:Number = event.bytesLoaded / event.bytesTotal;
    var approxProgress:Number
        = _channel.position / _sound.length * percentLoaded;
    // Update your progress bar based on approxProgress