类型错误:错误#1009:无法访问空对象引用的属性或方法 - Event.ENTER_FRAME错误、属性、无法访问、对象

2023-09-09 21:31:12 作者:-情债╮請结账°

我知道回答这个问题的存在的吨的,但搜索一段时间后。我无法找到一个。我知道它与我的 Event.ENTER_SCENE

I am aware there are tons of answers to this problem, but after searching for a while. I could not find one. I know it has to do with my Event.ENTER_SCENE.


stage.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_BEGIN, touchBegin);
stage.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_MOVE, touchMove);
stage.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_END, touchEnd);

function touchBegin(e:TouchEvent){
    if(oCharUse == true){
    if(Math.abs(e.stageX - oChar.x) < 100 && Math.abs(e.stageY - oChar.y) < 100){
        oMove = true;
    }   }   }
function touchMove(e:TouchEvent){
    if(oCharUse == true){
    if(oMove == true){
    oChar.x = e.stageX;
    oChar.y = e.stageY - 100;
    }   }   }
function touchEnd(e:TouchEvent){
    if(oCharUse == true){
    oMove = false;
    }   }

stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, loop)

    function loop (e:Event){

        if(_collisionTest.complex(x2x, oChar)){


我被告知要添加更多的信息:错误指的是这一行:如果(_collisionTest.complex(x2x2,oChar))。 _collisionTest,是collisiondetectionkit我下了互联网。它只有两次出现在code你在上面看到。没有任何其他框架。

I was told to add more info: The error refers to this line: if(_collisionTest.complex(x2x2, oChar)). _collisionTest, is a collisiondetectionkit I got off the internet. And it only appears twice in the code you see above. Not on any other frame.



var _collisionTest:CollisionTest = new CollisionTest();