Visual Studio 2010的EX preSS +赢SDK =无法打开输入文件'KERNEL32.LIB“无法打开、文件、EX、Visual

2023-09-07 23:10:54 作者:凶兆@

我用来编译使用VS2008 EX preSS x64和赢得SDK。最近进行了重建我的机器(升级到64位赢得7),并安装了最新的EX preSS。遵循同样的程序,让64位的目标和我的消息来源没有链接了。 无论我做什么,我总是得到:

I used to compile for x64 using VS2008 express and win SDK. Recently rebuilt my machine (upgraded to 64bit win 7) and got latest express installed. Followed the same procedure to allow x64 targets and my sources don't link any more. no matter what I do I always get:

1> LINK:致命错误LNK1181:无法打开输入文件KERNEL32.LIB

1>LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'kernel32.lib'


funny enough 32bit compilation works fine.


Is this some well know problem? Google didn't give me any clues how to tackle it just a couple of mentions of the same problem but no solutions.

是否有可能使用VS 2010与Win 7 SDK瞄准64位?

Is it possible to use VS 2010 with win 7 SDK to target 64bit?

谢谢 帕维尔


解决方案已经死了容易在最后。诀窍是指VS赢得SDK,由于某种原因是不正确的在我的情况。  项目属性 - > VC ++目录 - >图书馆目录应指向 C:\ Program Files文件\微软的SDK \的Windows \ V7.1 \ LIB \ 64

the solution was dead easy at the end. The trick is to point VS to win SDK that for some reason was incorrect in my case. Project Properties -> VC++ Directories -> Library Directories should point to C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1\Lib\x64