
2023-09-07 22:34:37 作者:学霸不罢学


I have a Delphi application similar to Taskbar Shuffle that includes a hook dll.


EDIT: This hook DLL communicates with the main app by sending windows messages.

我要添加支持XP和Vista x64和我最初的想法是对的dll转换为64位(与FreePascal的编译它),但保持应用程序的32位现在(德尔福)。

I want to add support to XP and Vista x64 and my initial idea was to convert the dll to 64-bit (compiling it with FreePascal) but keep the application 32-bit for now (Delphi).


Is it possible for a 32-bit application to access a 64-bit dll?

EDIT2 :我通过调用LoadLibrary加载DLL,所以我想我坚持,因为32位进程将无法加载64位DLL,根据与我阅读指出通过拉尔斯Truijens下面的答案中的一个链接。

EDIT2: I'm loading the dll via LoadLibrary so I guess I'm stuck since a 32-bit process won't be able to load a 64-bit dll, according with what I read on the link pointed by Lars Truijens on one of the answers below.



No. You'll have to compile two versions: 64-bit and 32-bit.