
2023-09-08 09:42:54 作者:娇羞萝莉郭德纲

我想加载一个文件夹中的所有图像,而无需知道文件的名称,并将其存储到一个整数向量 - 在运行时

I would like to load all images in a folder without knowing the names of the files and store them into a Integer vector - at runtime.

在事实上,我需要的相同,因为它是在本实施例中完成的:   http://developer.android.com/resources/tutorials/views/hello -gridview.html 但在运行时和在不知道文件的名称

In fact, i need the same as it is done in this example: http://developer.android.com/resources/tutorials/views/hello-gridview.html But at runtime and without knowing the names of the files.



After your answers i know how to do it... but i dont know how to go on in the same way as the example:

我怎么能保持图像的整数数组,而不是一个可绘制数组或类似的?这是我尝试用绘制:DrawArray [I] = Drawable.createFromPath(fileArray [I] .getPath()); 但我想用整数做到这一点,以适应上述!链接

How could i keep the images in an integer array instead of an drawable array or similar?. Here is my try with drawable: DrawArray[i] = Drawable.createFromPath(fileArray[i].getPath()); But i would like to do it with integer to fit with the link above!


常规解决方案: HTTP://www.anddev。组织/ viewtopic.php?吨= 575


要获得特定文件夹中的所有文件,使用的 列表() -method 的文件级,其中列出指定目录下的所有文件。

To get all files of a specific folder, use the list()-method of the File-class, which lists all Files of the specified directory.

要创建位图(然后可以得出),可以使用 BitmapFactory 级。

To create a Bitmap (which can then be drawn), you can use the BitmapFactory-class.


After that, you'll need to create your own Adapter (as shown in the linked tutorial) to show your Bitmaps.