
2023-09-08 09:39:31 作者:熱心网友


I am hosting WCF services in IIS. I have multiple hostname bindings set up in IIS for the site. However, when making requests to any of the non-default bindings, the correct url doesn't get reported by the OperationContext.IncomingMessageProperties.Via property. The URL that gets reported uses the default binding's hostname as the base, with same path and querystring.


For example, assuming the following bindings:

http://subfoo.services.myapp.com (first/default entry)

发出请求。当: http://subbar.services.myapp.com/someservice?id=123

威盛属性报告请求URI为: http://subfoo.services.myapp.com/someservice?id=123

The Via property reports the request URI as: http://subfoo.services.myapp.com/someservice?id=123


How can I get the URL with the actual hostname that was requested?


这是可能的,只是会有点麻烦。你需要得到的HTTP主机头,并更换 IncomingMessageProperties.Via URI的主机段。下面是一些示例code与评论:

it is possible, just a bit involved. You need to get the HTTP Host Header, and replace the host segment of the IncomingMessageProperties.Via Uri. Here's some sample code with comments:

OperationContext operationContext = OperationContext.Current;
HttpRequestMessageProperty httpRequest = operationContext.IncomingMessageProperties[HttpRequestMessageProperty.Name] as HttpRequestMessageProperty;
if (httpRequest != null)
    // Get the OperationContext request Uri:
    Uri viaUri = operationContext.IncomingMessageProperties.Via;
    // Get the HTTP Host Header value:
    string host = httpRequest.Headers[System.Net.HttpRequestHeader.Host];
    // Build a new Uri replacing the host component of the Via Uri:
    var uriBuilder = new UriBuilder(viaUri) { Host = host };

    // This is the Uri which was requested:
    string originalRequestUri = uriBuilder.Uri.AbsoluteUri;


HTH :)