为什么我可以创建一个名为&QUOT类; VAR"?创建一个、QUOT、VAR

2023-09-08 09:03:15 作者:梦回南朝

不是 VAR 在C#中的关键字?但我为什么可以这样做:

Isn't var a keyword in C#? But why can I do this:

public class var { }

public class main
    public static void main(string[] args)
        var testVar = new var();

VAR 用于在code是 VAR 类是之前宣布的类。而编译器甚至不抱怨。

The var that is used in the code is the var class that is declared before the main class. And the compiler doesn't even complain.


public class int { }


or this:

public class true { }

编译器说, INT 是一个关键字,不能用这样的。为什么不一样 VAR

The compiler said that int or true is a keyword and cannot be used like that. Why is it not the same with var?


VAR 不是关键字的根据此列表。


it is a contextual keyword, so from the context the compiler is be able to decide which is your class and which is the contextual keyword, and no confusion arises.


用于提供在code进行特定的含义,但它不是一个   保留字在C#。

used to provide a specific meaning in the code, but it is not a reserved word in C#.


so as its not reserved you can use it.

正如在上面有被添加在C#上Eric Lipperts博客

As pointed out in the comments above there is a discussion of the differences as well as a list of the various keywords and contextual keywords added at each version of c# on Eric Lipperts blog


It is interesting to note that since the set of keywords were decided upon in C#1.0 there have been no additions, so as to preserve backwards compatibility.