
2023-09-07 11:52:51 作者:你曾路过我的故事

我的HTC Desire和层次观众正常工作。但是,当我插上的感觉比什么都没有发生了,我必须刷新按钮,但afrer点击它没有任何反应:(

I have htc desire and hierarchy viewer works fine. But when I plug the sensation than nothing happens I have refresh button but afrer clicking on it nothing happens :(



层次视图通常不支持硬件,只有模拟器。对于API等级12以上机种,你可以尝试嵌入 ViewServer 到您的应用程序,虽然我还没有尝试过这一点。这也有可能是你可能有更好的效果具有root权限的设备,虽然我还没有尝试过,要么。

Hierarchy View normally does not support hardware, only the emulator. For API Level 12 devices and higher, you can try embedding ViewServer into your app, though I have not yet tried this. It is also possible that you might have better results with a rooted device, though I have not tried that either.