安卓:访问"系统" -drawables系统、QUOT、drawables

2023-09-07 11:52:35 作者:情定剑门关


I'm currently working on an app to display the battery status and I'd like to use Android-drawables instead of own images to reduce the app size.

我发现这个网页,其中列出了可用的图像和可用性每个SDK版本:的 http://www.fixedd.com/projects/android_drawables_display

I've found this page which lists available images and the availability for each SDK-version:http://www.fixedd.com/projects/android_drawables_display


My question: How can I access the "system"-drawables? If you click on the link and choose the tab "Status", there are some battery-drawables like "stat_sys_battery_0", but I can't access it, Eclipse doesn't offer intellisense for it and won't compile the app if I use one of those drawables.


As those drawables are part of all SDK-versions, I'd think I should be able to use them, or are those "special" drawables protected in a way so they can only be used by system-functions (and not apps)?

任何想法是AP preciated。

Any idea is appreciated.




There actually seems to be a way to access the system icons, but it's not really working as stated in the documentation, but I'll add it in case somebody is interested:



Will get you the resource-ID of the icon that matches the current battery-status:http://developer.android.com/reference/android/os/BatteryManager.html#EXTRA_ICON_SMALL

额外ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED:   包含的资源ID整数   表示一个小状态栏图标   目前的电池状态。

Extra for ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED: integer containing the resource ID of a small status bar icon indicating the current battery state.


However, it always returns the same icon, no matter what the actual battery level is. Finding the icon by just trying random numbers may work, but I don't know if the IDs are consistent throughout the SKD-levels as well as different machines, so I'd rather not rely in that.