
2023-09-08 08:58:50 作者:忘了我、就亡了我

我想实现一个自定义TrackingParticipant为WF 4.我可以写的跟踪方法,但我的实现将是缓慢的。

我怎样才能实现开始/ EndTrack取代使用.NET 4.0的任务并行库(TPL)?我看着 TPL和传统.NET异步编程但我不知道如何运用它在这里。







 保护覆盖的IAsyncResult BeginTrack(TrackingRecord记录,时间跨度超时,AsyncCallback的回调,对象的状态)
    工作的结果= Task.Factory.StartNew(
           // ...在这里您异步工作...

    如果(回调!= NULL)


分布式消息队列详解 10min搞懂同步和异步架构


 保护覆盖INT EndAwesomeCalculation(IAsyncResult的asyncResult)
   返程((任务< INT>)asyncResult)。结果;

I'm trying to implement a custom TrackingParticipant for WF 4. I can write the Track method, but my implementation will be slow.

How can I implement the Begin/EndTrack overrides using .NET 4.0's Task Parallel Library (TPL)? I've looked at TPL and Traditional .NET Asynchronous Programming but am not sure how to apply it here.

Note that TrackingParticipant is part of .NET and has the Classic Async Pattern predefined using virtual methods.

public class MyTrackingParticipant : TrackingParticipant
    protected override IAsyncResult BeginTrack(
        TrackingRecord record, TimeSpan timeout,
        AsyncCallback callback, object state)
        // ?

    protected override void EndTrack(IAsyncResult result)
        // ?

    protected override void Track(TrackingRecord record, TimeSpan timeout)
        // synchronous code to be called


This is the generic pattern with which to implement the classic APM programming model:

protected override IAsyncResult BeginTrack(TrackingRecord record, TimeSpan timeout, AsyncCallback callback, object state)
    Task result = Task.Factory.StartNew(
        (taskState) =>
           // ... your async work here ...

    if(callback != null)
        result.ContinueWith((t) => callback(t));

    return result;

protected override void EndTrack(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
   // Call wait to block until task is complete and/or cause any exceptions that occurred to propagate to the caller

If the EndXXX method returned a result you would actually return the Result property of the Task instead of just calling Wait. For example:

protected override int EndAwesomeCalculation(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
   // This will block until the result is available and/or cause any exceptions that occurred propagate to the caller
   return ((Task<int>)asyncResult).Result;