如何在没有 Windows Store 的情况下分发已编译的 Windows 8 Metro 应用程序?应用程序、情况下、如何在、Store

2023-09-06 06:00:17 作者:滥情不动心

我只是想知道是否有一种方法可以打包 Windows 8 Metro 应用程序以将其分发给安装了 Windows 8 Developer Preview 的其他人?如果能够允许某人仅下载和安装,而不是要求他们安装 VS'11 Preview 并自己编译代码以测试/使用我构建的 Windows 8 Metro 应用程序,那就太好了.

I am just curious if there is a way to package up a Windows 8 Metro application to distribute it to others with the Windows 8 Developer Preview installed? It would be nice to be able to allow someone to just download and install, rather than requiring them to install VS'11 Preview and compile the code themselves in order to test out / use a Windows 8 Metro application that I've built.

由于 Windows 应用商店尚未上线,有没有办法分发已编译的 Windows 8 Metro 应用程序供其他人测试/使用?

Is there a way to distribute a compiled Windows 8 Metro application for others to test/use since the Windows Store is not yet live?

这对于在非开发机器上测试 Metro 应用程序可能很有用,即使在 Windows 应用商店上线之后也是如此.

This would likely be useful for testing Metro apps on non-development machines even after the Windows Store is live.



Each machine that wants to install the application will need a developer license. See this page for some details.




This will create a package in whatever folder you specified. You should be able to copy that to another developer-licensed machine and install it.

目录中会有一个名为 Add-AppxDevPackage 的批处理文件.运行它将安装应用程序.它必须以管理员身份运行.

There will be a batch file called Add-AppxDevPackage in the directory. Running it will install the app. It must be run as an admininistrator.