
2023-09-07 10:57:38 作者:会魔法的小仙女

在我的应用我不想实时定位只想所以我需要使用被动位置提供商(从其他应用程序的位置)。我有试code比较某些值链接从博客的 但我可以广播的是,任何人都可以请告诉我如何实现它?在清单中,我有给你许可和广播接收器。


解决方案 android资讯



有关获得COM prehensive细节位置更新看到这一点:结果


In my application i did not want to real time location just want to compare some values so i need to use the passive location providers(get location from other app).i have try code link read from the blog but i can get the broadcast yet,can anyone please tell me how to implement it? In manifest i have give the permission and broadcast receiver.

<receiver android:name=".PassiveLocationChangedReceiver" android:enabled="true">


The passive location provider will provide you with location data when other apps that have requested location updates get their data. So if no other app on the phone is getting location updates, you won't get them either.

If you want to see the last value that each provider has obtained in the past then you must use getLastKnownLocation with the network or gps provider.

For comprehensive details on getting location updates see this:

In that article, look at the section called "Freshness means always being up to date. What if we could reduce startup latency to zero?". See the linked code for Froyo+ passive location updates.