
2023-09-07 10:43:42 作者:小女子゛不特别却是唯1╮

我创建了一个Android应用程序,我想如果运行的是Android USB项目被连接到PC上自动打开。

I created an Android application I would like to automatically open when USB item running Android gets connected to the PC.


Is it possible to register my application to handle USB connection? How do I do that?



In your Manifest.xml, add this:

<receiver android:name=".BattStatusShow">
        <action android:name="android.intent.action.ums_connected" />

然后让你的电池状态类扩展的BroadcastReceiver ,因为你的清单文件中注册它的USB消息。

Then have your battery status class extend BroadcastReceiver, since your registered it for USB messages in the Manifest file.

public class BattStatusShow extends BroadcastReceiver{ 
  if (intent.getAction().equalsIgnoreCase( "android.intent.action.UMS_CONNECTED")) {
    //do stuff here, like signal the view of your app it needs to do something


You don't give much information about what your application, but if it is only a battery display application, programming a PC host application to talk to your Android app seems overkill. If you want to do more, look at how the Nokia PC station app interacts with Nokia and emulate the behavior.