
2023-09-07 04:08:50 作者:丢不掉


I checked around and and I can never quite find something that helps me with what I am trying to accomplish. In my Android app I want to be able to make a request to the server for some data, when that data is returned I want to populate a scrollview because there is too much to fit in one display. The reason I am doing this is because the data will be updated too often for me to do continuous updates of the app (imaginee twitter). I've already built out the XML linearlayout which will populate the scroll view I just need to find the best way of building out the View.


I've brainstormed a few methods which this could be possible and I'm reaching out for which would be most practical if possible.

传递数据作为XML饲料 - 我觉得这会让我通过所有从服务器喂食,并使用XML标记将数据内容并放入布局中的适当位置的数据运行。然后建立下一个布局,并从那里走。

Passing the data as a XML feed - I feel this would allow me to run through all the data which is fed from the server and using the XML tags pull the content and place into the appropriate location in the layout. Then build the next layout and go from there.

从服务器传递的完整布局XML - 这可以建立布局,但我觉得会$ P $从制作上的布局的按钮,这将是我传递的​​所有数据被设置的onclick触发pvent我。我知道有匿名的听众可能做的工作,但我不能肯定我怎么能得到它在这种情况下触发。

Passing the full layout XML from the server - This could build the layout but I feel would prevent me from making the buttons on the layout which will trigger onclick from being setup as I am passing all the data. I know there are anonymous listeners which could do the job but I'm not quite sure how I could get it to trigger in this case.

我有一个第三,但它已经逃脱我在这个时候。任何帮助是AP preciated。

I had a third but it has escaped me at this time. Any help is appreciated.



Sorry for taking so long on this response, I've been busy with other things and couldn't code. That was really good but only if I am building the button as I go along. Since I am inflating a layout I need to select a pre existing button by selecting it as such.

按钮thisbutton =(按钮)findViewById(R.id.buttonid);

Button thisbutton = (Button)findViewById(R.id.buttonid);


After this I can build out the onclicklistener then add the new view to the layout. Thanks for the help though! Your script pointed in in the correct direction to identify what needed to be done.!