如果存在,可以使 apache FileUtils.writeLines() 附加到文件存在、文件、FileUtils、apache

2023-09-07 02:38:50 作者:Softrib(软肋)

公共 FileUtils 看起来很酷,我不敢相信它们不能附加到文件中.

The commons FileUtils look pretty cool, and I can't believe that they cannot be made to append to a file.

File file = new File(path);
FileUtils.writeLines(file, printStats(new DateTime(), headerRequired));


The above just replaces the contents of the file each time, and I would just like to keep tagging this stuff to end just as this code does.

fw = new FileWriter(file, true);
    for(String line : printStats(new DateTime(), headerRequired)){
        fw.write(line + "

我已经搜索了 javadoc,但什么也没找到!我错过了什么?

I've searched the javadoc but found nothing! What am I missing?


你可以使用IOUtils.writeLines(),它接收一个 Writer 对象,你可以像你的第二个例子一样初始化.

You can use IOUtils.writeLines(), it receives a Writer object which you can initialize like in your second example.