Symfony2:不推荐使用 FormView 替换?推荐使用、FormView

2023-09-07 00:42:02 作者:金铃威士忌



In versions < 2.3, the attribute

data-prototype="{% filter escape %}{% include 'ManaClientBundle:Member:member_prototype.html.twig' with {'form': form.members.get('prototype')} %}{% endfilter %}"

允许原型显示为一行单元格.当然,在 2.3 中,这一行会产生错误

allowed the prototype to display as a row of cells. In 2.3, of course, this line generates the error


Method "get" for object "SymfonyComponentFormFormView" does not exist

根据,不推荐使用 get.它不能被建议的 vars 替换,因为它会产生类似的错误.我怎样才能(容易?)像以前一样在 2.3 中渲染原型?使用

Per, get is deprecated. It cannot be replaced by the suggested vars as it produces a similar error. How can I (easily?) render the prototype as before in 2.3? Using

data-prototype="{{ form_widget(form.members.vars.prototype)|e }}"

无论 config.yml 中 twig:resources:form 的 div 或 table 设置如何,都没有提供有用的解决方案.

does not provide a useful solution regardless of div or table settings for twig:resources:form in config.yml.

<tr id="member-form">
<td><input class="smallform" type="radio" name="household[isHead]" value="__name__"></td>
<td>{{ form_widget(form.include, {'attr': {'class':'smallform'}}) }}</td>
<td>{{ form_widget(form.fname, {'attr': {'class':'smallform'}}) }}</td>
<td>{{ form_widget(form.sname, {'attr': {'class':'smallform'}}) }}</td>
<td>{{ form_widget(form.dob, {'attr': {'class':'smallform'}}) }}</td>
<td>{{ form_widget(, {'attr': {'class':'smallform'}}) }}</td>
<td>{{ form_widget(form.ethnicity, {'attr': {'class':'smallform'}}) }}</td>
<td><a id="removeTr" class="smallbutton" href="#" onclick="removeTr(this)">Remove</a>


form.members.get('prototype') 替换为 form.members.vars.prototype.


Could have been a whole lot clearer what to do, but fewer than infinite monkeys found a solution.