
2023-09-04 07:03:08 作者:每分每秒゛念着一个傻瓜


I have a sectionsPagerAdapter that is used as the adapter for a ViewPager.

    mSectionsPagerAdapter = new SectionsPagerAdapter(

    // Set up the ViewPager with the sections adapter.
    mViewPager = (ViewPager) findViewById(R.id.pager);


I have 3 fragments and I want to switch between 2 fragments when a button is clicked?



I'm gonna guess that your SectionsPagerAdapter was automatically generated when you created a new activity using ADT and specified a navigation type with tabs. If that's the case, then your SectionsPagerAdapter is extending FragmentPagerAdapter, whose documentation is located here.

如果你真的想用一个ViewPager什么你在说什么,看看这个链接到Android开发者参考。这听起来,不过,就像你想要做的事更类似于what's在这个Q / A 讨论。也许你可以详细一点你在找什么来实现?

If you really want to use a ViewPager for what you're talking about, check out that link to the Android developer reference. It sounds, though, like you want to do something more akin to what's discussed in this Q/A. Maybe you could elaborate a bit on what you're looking to accomplish?