
2023-09-06 23:40:34 作者:伤口绽放的梦

我想通过提供TTF文件类型以非英语语言,如希伯来语Android其它......不同的语言。是否有任何在建的API,所以我可以使用?任何帮助将是AP preciated,

I want to type in different languages in android other than english like hebrew... by providing ttf files. Are there any in build API's so I can use that? Any help would be appreciated,


有关于如何在 API演示的。这就是说,你可能不的需求的即可。 这篇文章似乎表明,默认字体(Droid的)可能包含所有(至少)目标市场所需的字符为Android。

There is an example on how to use custom typefaces in the API Demos. That said, you may not need to. This article seems to indicate that the default font (Droid) probably contains all the necessary characters for (at least) the target markets for Android.

除此之外,开发者网站上有 pretty良好的文档的如何国际化的应用程序。

Other than that, the developer site has pretty good documentation on how to "internationalize" an application.