C#+ WPF:我应该怎么做适当的检查/卫士/访问控制值时施放?怎么做、卫士、访问控制、适当

2023-09-06 22:50:31 作者:繁华锦绣人不知


        返回控制= NULL和放大器;!&安培; control.IsChecked = NULL和放大器;!&安培; control.IsChecked.HasValue&功放;&安培; (布尔)control.IsChecked;


DevExpressv15.1 WPF控件升级 一


我应该使用的try ... catch无处不在,即使控制不是present或者检查是不是一个真正的异常情况?这似乎对我来说,这将最终被同样混乱。

另外一个例子来阐明: 当我想写这样的:

  maxWeight =(INT)maxWeightComboBox.SelectedItem;


 如果(maxWeightComboBox = NULL和放大器;!&安培;!maxWeightComboBox.SelectedItem = NULL)
        maxWeight = Int32.Parse(item.Content.ToString());


WPF提供了这样的功能,如对财产的变化,依赖化子性质的,和有约束力的通知。 所以在WPF中的好的做法是使用直接访问控制presentationModel - 视图模式或MVC模式来代替。



    私人布尔? _isFirstChecked;
    公共BOOL? IsFirstChecked
                this._isFirstChecked =价值;

                this._maxWeight =价值;

    公开的IEnumerable< INT> ComboBoxItems


        VAR safePropertyChanged = this.PropertyChanged;
        如果(safePropertyChanged!= NULL)


    的xmlns =htt​​p://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/$p$psentation
    的xmlns:X =htt​​p://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml
< Window.Resources>
    <自:NullableBoolToStringConvreter X:关键=nullableBoolToStringConverter/>
< /Window.Resources>
    < StackPanel的>
        < StackPanel的方向=横向>
            <标签VerticalAlignment =中心> IsFirstChecked:LT; /标签>
            <复选框VerticalAlignment =中心
                      =器isChecked{绑定路径= IsFirstChecked}/>
        < / StackPanel的>

        < StackPanel的方向=横向>
            <标签VerticalAlignment =中心>最大重量:LT; /标签>
            <组合框的ItemsSource ={绑定路径= ComboBoxItems}
                      VerticalAlignment =中心
                      的SelectedValue ={绑定路径= MaxWeight}>
            < /组合框>
        < / StackPanel的>

        <文本框文本={绑定路径= MaxWeight}/>
        <文本框文本={绑定路径= IsFirstChecked,转换器= {的StaticResource nullableBoolToStringConverter}}/>

        <按钮单击=Button_ClickCONTENT =重置组合框999和框为空/>
    < / StackPanel的>
< /网格>

另外,我们有落后修改此XAML code:


        model.MaxWeight = 5767;

        this.Model =模型;

            this.DataContext =价值;

    私人无效Button_Click(对象发件人,RoutedEventArgs E)
        this.Model.MaxWeight = 999;
        this.Model.IsFirstChecked = NULL;




    私人静态只读字符串_NullString =空;

        返回值== NULL? NullableBoolToStringConvreter._NullString:value.ToString();



因此​​,与WPF你​​不需要访问控制。 XAML和的InitializeComponent()向你保证,所有的控件创建。


  control.IsChecked.HasValue和放大器;&安培; (布尔)control.IsChecked

正如提到的,你可以使用EX pression



        返回value.HasValue和放大器;&安培; value.Value;

This is probably pretty basic, but I'm just picking up C# after many years working with other languages, and I've unfortunately grown used to loose and dynamic typing. Now, in building a WPF form with a lot of checkboxes, I notice that my code to do simple things like determine whether a checkbox is checked is actually quite complicated due to the need to check for nulls and cast the results. I end up with helper functions like:

    private bool isChecked(CheckBox control) {
        return control != null && control.IsChecked != null && control.IsChecked.HasValue && (bool)control.IsChecked;

so that in my logic code, I can just do

    if (isChecked(opticsCheckBox))
        // whatever I need to do if opticsCheckBox is checked

Is this the normal way of doing things in C# (with WPF), or am I missing something simple? Basically I'm finding the nested layers of conditionals to check every object for null all the time to be a warning sign of bad code (and the fact that I could forget a check). Not sure what I should be doing though.

Should I be using try ... catch everywhere even though the control not being present or checked isn't really an exceptional condition? That seems to me like it would end up being just as cluttered.

Another example to clarify: When I would like to write something like:

    maxWeight = (int)maxWeightComboBox.SelectedItem;

I find myself instead writing:

    if (maxWeightComboBox != null && maxWeightComboBox.SelectedItem != null)
        ComboBoxItem item = (ComboBoxItem)maxWeightComboBox.SelectedItem;
        maxWeight = Int32.Parse(item.Content.ToString());


WPF provides such features as notifications on property changes, dependency propeties, and binding. So the good practice in WPF is to use PresentationModel-View pattern or MVC pattern instead of direct access to controls.

Your presentation model (or contoller) have to handle all business logic, and view just reflect actual state of model.

In your case model looks like:

public class SampleModel : ObservableObject
    private bool? _isFirstChecked;
    public bool? IsFirstChecked
            return this._isFirstChecked;
            if (this._isFirstChecked != value)
                this._isFirstChecked = value;

    private int _maxWeight;
    public int MaxWeight
            return this._maxWeight;
            if (this._maxWeight != value)
                this._maxWeight = value;

    public IEnumerable<int> ComboBoxItems
            yield return 123;
            yield return 567;
            yield return 999;
            yield return 567;
            yield return 1999;
            yield return 5767;
            yield return 9990;

As we have to notify view with property changed event, we add Observable class, which implement this logic:

public class ObservableObject : INotifyPropertyChanged
    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
    protected void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName)
        var safePropertyChanged = this.PropertyChanged;
        if (safePropertyChanged != null)
            safePropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));

So, now we have presentation model with declaration of necessary properties, let's see at view:

<Window x:Class="Test.MainWindow"
    xmlns:self ="clr-namespace:Test"
    Height="350" Width="525">
    <self:NullableBoolToStringConvreter x:Key="nullableBoolToStringConverter" />
        <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
            <Label VerticalAlignment="Center">IsFirstChecked:</Label>
            <CheckBox VerticalAlignment="Center"
                      IsChecked="{Binding Path=IsFirstChecked}" />

        <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
            <Label VerticalAlignment="Center">Max Weight:</Label>
            <ComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding Path=ComboBoxItems}" 
                      SelectedValue="{Binding Path=MaxWeight}">

        <TextBox Text="{Binding Path=MaxWeight}" />
        <TextBox Text="{Binding Path=IsFirstChecked, Converter={StaticResource nullableBoolToStringConverter}}"/>

        <Button Click="Button_Click" Content="Reset combo box to 999 and checkbox to null"/>

Also we have to modify this xaml code behind:

public partial class MainWindow : Window
    public MainWindow()

        var model = new SampleModel();
        model.MaxWeight = 5767;

        this.Model = model;

    public SampleModel Model
            return (SampleModel)this.DataContext;   
            this.DataContext = value;

    private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        this.Model.MaxWeight = 999;
        this.Model.IsFirstChecked = null;

As you can see we create SampleModel instance at MainWindow constructor, set up its properties and set model instance as DataContext of view.

After DataContext changed, WPF internal mechanizm starts binding process. For example, for combobox control it extracts model property ComboBoxItems and creates item containers. Then extracts property MaxValue and bind it to SelectedValue, i.e. combobox selection will point at value '5767'.

In demostration purposes I placed two text boxes, which display actual value of "MaxWeight" and "IsFirstChecked" properties. Default binding implementation shows empty strings on null values, so we have to add appropriate converter:

public class NullableBoolToStringConvreter : IValueConverter
    private static readonly string _NullString = "Null";

    public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
        return value == null ? NullableBoolToStringConvreter._NullString : value.ToString();

    public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
        throw new NotImplementedException();

You can test application and ensures that changes of UI controls state automatically reflects in model. On the other hand, clicking on the button will reset model properties to defined values and UI immediatly reacts on it.

So with WPF you don't need access to controls. XAML and InitializeComponent() guarantee you that all controls are created.

As for checking:

control.IsChecked.HasValue && (bool)control.IsChecked

as was mentioned you can use expression

model.IsFirstChecked ?? false

or extension method:

public static class BooleanNullableExtensions 
    public static bool IsTrue(this Nullable<bool> value)
        return value.HasValue && value.Value;