
2023-09-07 09:29:20 作者:倾城乱世


Can i share one application related data with another. Say I have a music file in resources/raw folder of apk2. Can I use the same file in apk1.

THX ...


如果您的应用程序都使用相同的证书签名,并且具有相同的 安卓sharedUserId 在清单中声明,他们可以分享他们可以读取数据/写信给对方的数据目录。他们甚至可以共享一个过程,如果你希望他们(见安卓过程)。

If your apps are signed with the same certificate and have the same android:sharedUserId declared in the manifest, they can share data in that they can read/write to each others' data directories. They can even share a process if you'd like them to (see android:process).