Delphi 2010 中 RadioGroup.ControlCount 的问题问题、Delphi、ControlCount、RadioGroup

2023-09-06 19:36:53 作者:打小脾气傲

我想在过程 InitRadioGroup() 的运行时设置 RadioButton 属性.它失败是因为 RadioGroup.ControlCount 为 0,尽管 RadioGroup 中有 3 个 RadioButton.

I'd like to set RadioButton properties in runtime in procedure InitRadioGroup(). It fails because RadioGroup.ControlCount is 0, although there are 3 RadioButtons in RadioGroup.

D2010 RadioGroup 出了什么问题?相同的代码在 Delphi 2007 中运行良好.

What is wrong in D2010 RadioGroup? Same code works fine in Delphi 2007.

procedure InitRadioGroup(RadioGroup: TRadioGroup);
  i: integer;
  RadioButton: TRadioButton;
  for i := 0 to RadioGroup.ControlCount - 1 do
    RadioButton := (RadioGroup.Controls[i] as TRadioButton);

    RadioButton.ParentColor := False;
    RadioButton.ParentFont  := False;
    RadioButton.Font.Style  := [];


我假设 RadioGroup 在调用您的过程时不可见.所以那时可能不会创建 RadioButtons.

I assume that the RadioGroup is not visible when your procedure is called. So the RadioButtons may not be created then.

调用 RadioGroup.HandleNeeded 应该会为您解决此问题.

A call to RadioGroup.HandleNeeded should fix this for you.