
2023-09-09 21:22:39 作者:爱你是我的必修课


I'd really like to be able to make Flash's array access syntax 'wrap' over the array's bounds.

冗长的解释 -

var array:Array = ['a','b','c','d','e','f'];

为了简单起见,第一个指数为0,其值的第一个字母A。为了获得该值,我们会做到这一点 -

To keep things simple, the first index is 0, and its value is the first letter, 'a'. To get that value, we'd do this -

array[0]; // returns 'a'

只要你使用访问数组是介于0和array.length指数(6在我们的例子,)一切工作正常 - 但如果你使用这些范围之外的指标,你关机

As long as the index you're using to access the array is between 0 and array.length (6 in our example,) everything works fine - but if you use an index outside of those bounds, you're shut down.

array[9]; // both return 'undefined'

有时候这是一件好事 - 有时你希望这样的事情发生了,你没事吧。其他时候,你发现自己希望(或者至少是我发现自己希望),它会表现得有点多这样的 -

Sometimes that's a good thing - sometimes you expect that to happen, and you're fine with it. Other times, you find yourself wishing (or at least I find myself wishing) that it'd behave a bit more like this -

array[9]; // both return 'd'


(e.g. a photo gallery that jumps back to the beginning when you click 'next' on the last photo)


There's a little chunk of code I use over and over for this sort of thing, but it's always to alter the index before passing it into the array:

var index = -3;
while(index < 0){index += array.length}
array[index % array.length]; // returns 'd'


... and that's fine, but what I really want to do is extend the Array object itself so that it'll automatically 'wrap' index values that go out of bounds.

TL; DR - 通过扩展的Flash AS3的数组对象是指数包装可能

TL;DR - Is index-wrapping possible by extending Flash AS3's Array object?




I haven't used it myself but it seems it could do the job. I modified the sample code in the docs and it works the way you want. I haven't thoroughly tested it, though, and you might want to do it. Personally, I would not extend Array and just make a simple class with 2 methods for adding/retrieving, since the proxy idea seems a bit involved to me. But that's me.

    import flash.utils.Proxy;
    import flash.utils.flash_proxy;

    dynamic class ProxyArray extends Proxy {
        private var _item:Array;

        public function ProxyArray() {
            _item = new Array();

        override flash_proxy function callProperty(methodName:*, ... args):* {
            var res:*;
            res = _item[methodName].apply(_item, args);
            return res;

        override flash_proxy function getProperty(name:*):* {
            if(!isNaN(name)) {
                var index:int = name;
                while(index < 0) {
                    index += this.length;

                return _item[index % this.length];

            return _item[name];

        override flash_proxy function setProperty(name:*, value:*):void {
            _item[name] = value;


        var a:ProxyArray = new ProxyArray();
        // you can't use this syntax ['a','b','c'], since it would return an Array object
