
2023-09-06 15:49:54 作者:﹏悲伤季节、


I need to give accuracy of a number entered by user till few digit. like if user enter some random value and gives that he wants accuracy till three digit then I need to round off the digit till three places after decimal. So i did something like this

 int index = value.indexOf('.'); 
            if (index >= 0)
                String fractional = value.substring(index);

                if (fractional.length() > decimalPlaces)
                    floatValue = roundOffDecimals(floatValue, decimalPlaces);
            retVal = new Float(floatValue);


but when user enters some value but do not enters any value as decimal I need to display it as dismal value with zeros as number of decimal places. like for 15 is his number and 3 is his accuracy then I need to display number as 15.000

我不能够小数点后显示为零时,它总是变化。请帮忙。我试图DeciamlFormat DF =新DecimalFormat的(,###);但需要静态值。而我的精度不断变化。

I am not able to display zero after decimal when it always changes. Please help. I tried DeciamlFormat df = new DecimalFormat("",#.##); but takes static value. And my accuracy keeps changing.

任何帮助将AP preciated。

Any help will be appreciated.



You can create a method that returns the exact format for your decimals. Here is an example:

public String formatNumber(int decimals, double number) {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(decimals + 2);
    for(int i = 0; i < decimals; i++) {
    return new DecimalFormat(sb.toString()).format(number);


If you don't need to change the decimals value so often, then you can change your method to something like:

public DecimalFormat getDecimalFormat(int decimals) {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(decimals + 2);
    for(int i = 0; i < decimals; i++) {
    return new DecimalFormat(sb.toString());