我如何$访问我activites p $ pvent其他Android应用activites、pvent、Android

2023-09-06 10:46:37 作者:痴子


I have an android app in which I define several different activities in the manifest. Some of these activities have intent-filters that I use (such as ACTION_PICK). These activities, because of the intent-filters, show up when other applications request an activity to handle an ACTION_PICK. Is there some way to prevent this, so that my activities are not accessible to other applications? I've already tried setting android:exported="false" in my activity, but that did nothing.


您需要: *定义权限(这仅适用于具有签名的应用程序) *定义您的应用程序使用您定义的权限 *要求准许你想保护的活动。 (注意不要需要为您的主要推出的活动)。

You need to: * define a permission (which is only available to applications having your signature) * define that your application uses your defined permission * require that permission for the activities you want protected. (Be careful to not require it for your main launch activity).

<!-- define a permission -->

<uses-permission android:name="com.mypackage.MYPERMISSION" />

<!-- define an activity which can only be started through internal code -->
<activity android:name="..."
          android:permission="com.mypackage.MYPERMISSION" >