科尔多瓦建设已删除我的文件 - 他们能找到我的、能找到、科尔、多瓦

2023-09-06 08:55:58 作者:以女王的霸气俯视天下



I ran cordova build from the CLI for an existing Android app with Eclipse, because another post said to do that if you've got problems with the splashscreen plugin.


Of course, cordova has reset my project to the start and has deleted all my files. Thankfully I've got a copy of the index.html file, but I had a large database initialization file which is now gone.


Is it gone gone? Or has cordova moved it somewhere where it can be retrieved?


(cordova 3.3.0)


我想,如果科尔多瓦所做的备份感到惊讶。但正如你提到的Eclipse数据可能仍然存在本地历史: Package Explorer中>项目&GT上下文菜单;从本地Histoy恢复...

I would be surprised if Cordova made backups. But as you mention Eclipse the data may still exist as local history: Package Explorer > Context menu for the project > Restore from Local Histoy....