
2023-09-06 06:01:44 作者:→邪恶い小伙ヤ

我想写一个应用程序,使得使用的相机拍摄极其缓慢的帧速率视频和上传。现在我看在这个: /mobilemedia_spring10/androidCamera101.pdf

I wanted to write an application that makes use of the camera taking extremely slow frame-rate video and uploading it. Right now I am reading over this:


My question was in regards to the camera's use. The above article makes use of a canvas to preview the image, if one didn't want to preview the image before taking it could that be done? Is it necessary to use a preview of the camera image or can I just call takepicture to take the picture and catch the resulting callback to save it to a file? If so how would that be done?


(It's been a long time since I've done any programming in Java)


问:如果一个人没有服用之前要preVIEW图像可能是做搜索?答:没有。检查出点6 @硬件/ Camera.html

Q:If one didn't want to preview the image before taking it could that be done? A:No. Check out point 6 @

重要提示:呼叫开始preVIEW()开始更新preVIEW表面。 preVIEW必须先启动,然后才可以进行拍摄。

Important: Call startPreview() to start updating the preview surface. Preview must be started before you can take a picture.

问:是否有必要使用相机图像的preVIEW结果。答:按照使用的形象的preVIEW,你的意思设置 camera.set previewCallback(...)?如果是这样,不,它不是。但你仍然需要preVIEW画在画布前,你可以拍照,否则用户应该如何知道照片怎么会什么样子的?

Q:Is it necessary to use a preview of the camera image. A:By "using" a preview of the image, do you mean setting the camera.setPreviewCallback(...)? If so, no, it is not. But you still need the preview to draw to a canvas before you can take a picture, or else how is the user supposed to know how the picture will look like?

问:我可以叫takepicture进行拍摄,赶上产生的回调将其保存到一个文件结果?答:是的,你可以使用 camera.takePicture(...)

Q:Can I just call takepicture to take the picture and catch the resulting callback to save it to a file? A:Yes you may by using camera.takePicture(...)