2023-09-06 05:54:21 作者:等待是一种慢性的毒药


I have an XML to be parsed, which as given below

    <content> <fieldset><table cellpadding='0'  border='0'  cellspacing='0'  style="clear :both"><tr valign='top' ><td width='35' ><a href=''  class='space' onmousedown="return enc(this,'')" ><div style='width:25px;height:25px;overflow:hidden;'><img src=''  width='25'  vspace='0'  /></div></a></td> <td><span><a href=''  class="space" onmousedown="return enc(this,'')" >Android </a> </span><span style='color:#000000 !important;'>testing</span><div class='divtext'></div></td></tr><tr><td height='5' ></td></tr></table></fieldset><br/></content>
    <action>status updated</action>


Tag contains HTML contents, which contains the data which i need. I am using a SAX Parser. Here's what i am doing

private Timeline timeLine; //Object
private String tempStr;

public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int length)
        throws SAXException {
    tempStr = new String(ch, start, length);

public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName)
        throws SAXException {
    if (localName.equalsIgnoreCase("content")) {
        if (timeLine != null) {


Will this logic work? If no, how should i extract embedded HTML data from XML using SAX Parser.


在开始元素        如果该元素的内容,您的临时STR缓冲液应该被初始化。        否则,如果内容已经开始,           捕捉当前开始元素和它的属性,并更新到临时STR缓冲液。

On start element, if the element is content, your temp Str buffer should be initialized. else if content already started, capture the current start element and its attributes and update that to the temp Str buffer.

在字符        如果内容开始时,charecters添加到当前字符串缓冲区

On characters, if content is started, add the charecters to the current string buffer.

在结束元素       如果内容被启动,捕获终端节点,并添加到字符串缓冲区。

On end element if content is started, Capture the end node and add to string buffer.



The xml will have only one content tag.