
2023-09-06 14:00:00 作者:谁念西风独自凉□

我在其中首先我想从收件箱中创建信息备份,并将其存储到 backup.xml 被储存 SD卡/为MyBackup / mybackup.xml

I have an Application in which first I want to create a backup of message from inbox and store it into backup.xml file which is stored at SDCARD/MYBACKUP/mybackup.xml

现在我想检索数据,存储在 SD卡/为MyBackup / mybackup.xml 和列表视图中显示的所有消息。

Now I want to retrieve data, stored on SDCARD/MYBACKUP/mybackup.xml and display all messages in listview.


有关编写XML文件到SD卡看到这个ANSWEER的 Qberticus的回答

For Writing XML file to sdcard see this answeer Qberticus's Answer

Android的读取文件仅仅是简单的,你必须使用XML解析 XML解析见本

android Reading file is just simple you have to use Xml parsing See This for XML parsing


   <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>