自定义标题栏 - 系统标题栏带出一个短暂的瞬间?标题栏、自定义、带出、短暂

2023-09-06 14:10:35 作者:证明给你看


I've got a custom layout I want to use as the titlebar of my android app. The technique found (linked at the bottom) works, but the system titlebar is displayed before onCreate() is called. Obviously that looks pretty jarring, as for a moment the system titlebar is shown, then my custom titlebar is shown:

// styles.xml
  <style name="MyTheme">
    <item name="android:windowTitleSize">40dip</item>

// One of my activities, MyTheme is applied to it in the manifest.
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    getWindow().setFeatureInt(Window.FEATURE_CUSTOM_TITLE, R.layout.my_custom_header);


I could always hide the system titlebar and display my own in-line perhaps with each and every layout, but, that's not very friendly.


HTTP://www.londatiga .NET /它/多么到创建定制的窗口标题,在安卓/


我认为这是一个框架的限制。我在我的一些应用程序有同样的问题,最终的解决方案是由我来告诉框架我不想标题栏在所有的,然后在我的布局创造我自己的。 include指令使得它可以忍受我的,例如:

I think it's a framework limitation. I had the same problem in some of my applications and the ultimate solution was for me to tell the framework I didn't want a title bar at all and then create my own in my layouts. The include directive made it bearable for me, e.g.:

<include layout="@layout/title" />


When I used requestWindowFeature(Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE) in my activities, I would have the same issue, I'd see the system title bar briefly while the activity was being build when it first loaded.


When I switched to using a theme to tell the framework I didn't want a title, the problem went away and I now see my own title directly on first load. The styling is easy for that:

<style name="FliqTheme" parent="@android:Theme.Black">
    <item name="android:windowNoTitle">true</item>


I know this doesn't apply to your issue with the custom title, but like ptc mentioned, if you move your custom title into style/theme definitions (which you do by overriding the system title styles in your theme), I think you'll be on the right track.