
2023-09-06 03:55:29 作者:徊眸①看潴恠笶


I want to show text in Arial font. But Arial font is not available in android system fonts. I don't want to use arial ttf file in my application. Is there any other way to apply text with Arial font.


如果字体未在Android系统中可用,那么你必须要使用的字体文件来应用特定的字体说宋体你的的TextView 。我可以知道你为什么不愿意使用的字体文件的应用,因为它提供了相同的功能。

If the font is not available in the android system, then you have to use the font file to apply that particular font say arial to your textView. May I know why you are not willing to use the font file to apply as it gives the same functionality.


Sample usage for using the font file is:

Typeface tfArial = Typeface.createFromAsset(getAssets(), "arial.ttf");
TextView tv = null;
// find the textview id from layout or create dynamically


您需要把字体文件 arial.ttf 资产文件夹。

You need to put the font file arial.ttf in your asset folder.