
2023-09-06 13:51:41 作者:海枯鱼亡七秒记忆永存

我写的崩溃报告应用程序,它运行在后台的服务,应该能够检测到其他应用程序崩溃,和present用户会选择有误。 问题是检测应用crash.which事件应该是我期待的。

I am writing an crash report application which will run as a service in background and should be able to detect other application crash, and present a user will option to report error. The problem is detecting application crash.which event should be i looking for.


ActivityManager.ProcessErrorStateInfo() class basically provides error condition. can i use this.

谢谢, 学习者。


查看 Crittercism 。它会自动捕捉你崩溃和诊断,它是免费的,我认为。

Check out Crittercism. It automatically captures crashes and diagnostics for you and it's free I think.