
2023-09-06 03:11:12 作者:所遇皆良人

我已成功安装Android的86 V3.2-的EeePC在VirtualBox的一段时间。它是一个很好的方法来帮助我的USB主机应用程序在Android上进行调试。这种结构的安装是:

I WAS successfully installed Android-x86-v3.2-eeepc in VirtualBox for a while. And it is a good method to help me to debug USB host applications on Android. The installation of such configuration is:

在安装VirtualBox 在VBOX安装Android的86 V3.2,EeePC的图像转换成虚拟硬盘 设置网络仅主机 输入控制台,键入的dhcpcd eth0的获取IP地址,如192.168.56.101 转到主机控制台,输入亚行连接192.168.56.101


Normally, it should be all right to get connected to adb daemon running in Android-in-VBox.


Today, it suddenly prompts me as following:

C:\>adb connect
unable to parse as <host>:<port>

我试图平的IP。它具有响应速度快。 我试图强制执行的IP和端口。

I tried to ping its IP. It has a fast response. I tried to enforce IP and port.

C:\>adb connect
unable to connect to


I have no idea about its root cause. I checked the firewall, VirtualBox is on the Exception List. It still doesn't work.

PC配置: Windows XP中 VirtualBox的V4.1

PC Configuration: Windows XP VirtualBox V4.1



To connect Android virtual machine with adb follow these step

在Android主屏幕上,preSS ALT + F1 (左ALT)。这将打开具有root访问权限的终端。

On Android home screen, press ALT+F1 (Left alt). This will open a terminal with root access.

在终端,键入的dhcpcd为eth0 。执行命令两次,如果你得到一个错误或者没有结果。这会给你一个IP编辑部地址。现在preSS ALT + F7 密切终端。

Inside the terminal, type dhcpcd eth0. Execute the command twice, if you get an error or no result. This will give you an IP addresss. Now press ALT+F7 for close the terminal.


从Android终端,键入 ADB TCPIP 5555 。这将重新启动ADB在TCPIP模式。

From the android terminal, type adb tcpip 5555. This will restart adb in tcpip mode.

从您的主操作系统的终端,键入 ADB连接&lt;您的IP地址&gt;

From your main OS terminal, type adb connect <your IP address>