
2023-09-06 01:50:29 作者:乱了少年的心。


I am new to android, and I am searching for a logic for grid view like pinterest(homescreen) app that has been build for i-phone. A large no. of images are coming from the server that I need to show in following form with pagination effect i.e loading images on scroll.


please reply if it is possible other way around. I'll be highly thankful.


如果要执行装载上滚动的图像,然后将它类似于List View.First挽救WS URL中的所有数据,然后根据需要加载现在

If you want to perform loading of image on scroll then it will similar to List View.First save all data from WS URL then load on demand Now


Commonsware Endless Adapter For Listview,you can integrate it with GridView too


另一种方法是把你的网格的观点在 ViewFlipper 并然后翻转与动画。

Another way is to put your grid views in a ViewFlipper and then flip with an animation.

使用setInAnimation()和setOutAnimation()来设置动画和翻转与showNext网页()和show previous()

Use setInAnimation() and setOutAnimation() to set the animations and flip the pages with showNext() and showPrevious()