
2023-09-06 13:08:53 作者:镜子别哭。


On my WCF service I have a couple of custom fault types. An abstract type called BaseFault and two implementations of it called TypeOneFault and TypeTwoFault


public string ThisMethodHasFault(string eType)
    if (eType.Contains("One"))
        TypeOneFault one = new TypeOneFault("TypeOneFault thrown");
        throw new FaultException<TypeOneFault>(one, new FaultReason(new FaultReasonText("Fault reason here")));
        TypeTwoFault two = new TypeTwoFault("TypeTwoFault thrown");
        throw new FaultException<TypeTwoFault>(two, new FaultReason(new FaultReasonText("Fault reason here")));

    return "";


My Service interface is like this

[FaultContract(typeof(TypeOneFault ))]
[FaultContract(typeof(TypeTwoFault ))]
string ThisMethodHasFault(string eType);


On the client side I have a test winform application where I catch it like this

   MyServiceClient client = new MyServiceClient();

        client.ThisMethodHasFault(""); //get value from user

    catch (FaultException<TypeOneFault>  ox)
         TypeOneFault oneEx = ox.Detail;
         oneEx.{property} ...

    catch (FaultException<TypeTwoFault>  tx)
         TypeTwoFault twoEx = tx.Detail;
         twoEx.{property} ...



I cant seem to be able to reduce the number of catch blocks by doing this instead

    catch (FaultException<BaseFault> fex)
         BaseFault Ex = fex.Detail;
         twoEx.{property} ...

这本来是不错的,可以捕捉到我扔在服务器上,并通过抽象我得到正确的类的详细信息任何异常这样的一个块。通过这样做上述我得到一个错误。 类型的未处理的异常'System.ServiceModel.FaultException 1发生在mscorlib.dll`

It would have been nice to have one such block that could capture any exception that I throw on the server and through abstraction I get the right class's details. By doing the above I get an error. An unhandled exception of type 'System.ServiceModel.FaultException1' occurred in mscorlib.dll`



的FaultException&LT; T&GT; 的FaultException 继承,这样你就可以赶上的基本类型,而不是:

FaultException<T> inherits from FaultException, so you can catch the base type instead:

catch(FaultException ex) {
    if(ex is FaultException<TypeOneFault>) {
        var detail = ((FaultException<TypeOneFault>) ex).Detail;
        // process it
    } else if(ex is FaultException<TypeTwoFault>) {
        var detail = ((FaultException<TypeTwoFault>) ex).Detail;
        // process it
    } else {
        // unexpected error


Unlike the two separate catch blocks, this can be refactored:

    catch(FaultException ex) {
        if(!ProcessFault(ex)) {

bool ProcessFault(FaultException ex) {
    if(ex is FaultException<TypeOneFault>) {
        var detail = ((FaultException<TypeOneFault>) ex).Detail;
        // process it
        return true;
    } else if(ex is FaultException<TypeTwoFault>) {
        var detail = ((FaultException<TypeTwoFault>) ex).Detail;
        // process it
        return true;
    } else {
        // unexpected error
        return false;


If your two fault classes are not related, then that's as far as you can go. However, if they inherit from a common base, then you can refactor further:

bool ProcessFault(FaultException ex) {
    if(ex is FaultException<TypeOneFault>) {
        ProcessFault(((FaultException<TypeOneFault>) ex).Detail);
        return true;
    } else if(ex is FaultException<TypeTwoFault>) {
        ProcessFault(((FaultException<TypeTwoFault>) ex).Detail);
        return true;
    } else {
        // unexpected error
        return false;

void ProcessFault(BaseFault detail) {
    // process it