
2023-09-05 08:48:25 作者:qn丶蕜嘁


I have an Android app which let the users to add content to my server. Each user should have an account on this server.


The app communicate with the server through a simple API.

我想使用的用户的Gmail地址作为usermame和获得的auth_token形式的AccountManager作为密码。  的问题是,所述的auth_token并不总是相同的,所以它不能用作正常密码

I want to use user's gmail address as the usermame and the auth_token obtained form AccountManager as a password. The problem is that the auth_token is not always the same so it cannot be used as a normal password.


Normally the server receive user's gmail address and the auth_token and it should check if the token is valid for received gmail address. The problem is that this is not possible: google do not have any method which will let me check this.


Do you know how can I let my users to log in on my server using their gmail address but without prompting them to enter a password?


I want to have something like "Login with Google" from Stackoverflow but I don't understand how can I make sure that the received token on my server is correct and not a fake one.




There should be a way of sending the auth_token to google and retrieving information like the google user_ID since you can retrieve those infos :



by making a POST from your android app on : https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v1/tokeninfo?access_token=1/fFBGRNJru1FQd44AzqT3Zg with the access token ... It's even indicated in https://developers.google.com/youtube/2.0/developers_guide_protocol_oauth2#OAuth2_Authentication The problem is that when you want to do it from your php server you'll have to send it in SSL because google requires it ... Here is my code :


if( isset($_POST['authToken'])){        

    header('Content-Type: text/plain');

    $name = 'www.googleapis.com';//nom du site

    $data = "access_token='".$_POST['authToken']."' ";

    $envoi  = "POST /oauth2/v1/tokeninfo HTTP/1.1\r\n";
    $envoi .= "Host: ".$name."\r\n";
    $envoi .= "Connection: Close\r\n";
    $envoi .= "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n";
    $envoi .= "Content-Length: ".strlen($data)."\r\n\r\n";
    $envoi .= $data."\r\n";      

    $socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP);
    if($socket < 0){
            die('FATAL ERROR: socket_create() : " '.socket_strerror($socket).' "');

    if (socket_connect($socket,gethostbyname($name),80) < 0){
            die('FATAL ERROR: socket_connect()');

    if(($int = socket_write($socket, $envoi, strlen($envoi))) === false){
            die('FATAL ERROR: socket_write() failed, '.$int.' characters written');

    $reception = '';
    while($buff = socket_read($socket, 2000)){
    echo $reception;



it just needs to be adapted to SSL and it should work to retrieve the google user_id ! After what you can compare it with the one in your database and the logg is done !

顺便说一句,你能分享你的code与我们(使用方法的auth_token联系人)?或发送给fakeclark@live.com~~V感谢; - )

By the way, could you share your code with us (using your method with auth_token for contacts) ? or send it to fakeclark@live.com THANKS ;-)