
2023-09-05 04:29:42 作者:骑驴偷电线一路拉风带闪电


What are good practice for handling json over a Rest Framework in Android. For instance, if I get a certain json result as follow (or any other, I'm just giving something more complex):

   "from": { 
            "city": {
           "description":"24 rue de la ville",
              "first_name": "Benjamin",  


1) Should I handle the result manually and get each value to populate my ui... (Not really)

2)我应该创建一个POJO为每个对象(来处理的映射,用的JSONObject)。在我的例子,我将不得不创建一个处理所有的参数,甚至创造更多的POJO电梯对象,使用例如图像和可能的位置。 (所以基本上,我经常需要检查我的API的REST框架,看看我的目标是在服务器端完成,我重复我的模型从服务器向Android客户端)。

2) Should I create a POJO for each object (to handle the mapping, with JSONObject). In my example, I will have to create a lift object that handle all the parameters and even create more POJO, to use for instance image and probably locations. (so basically, I constantly need to check my api rest framework to see how my object are done on server side, I'm duplicating my models from server to the android client).


3) Is there any framework to handle the mapping (serialize and deserialization).


I'm currently using option number 2, but was wondering if there was something better out there. It's working for me so far, for receiving and sending.



I like to create a response object per api endpoint where i map the response of the call.

对于给定的例子,使用 GSON ,响应对象会是类似以下

For the given example and using GSON, the response object would be something like the following

public class Test
    static String jsonString = 
    "{\"lifts\":" + 
    "   [{" +
    "      \"id\":26," +
    "      \"time\":\"2012-11-21T12:00:00Z\"," +
    "      \"capacity\":4," +
    "      \"price\":10," +
    "      \"from\": { " +
    "               \"description\":null," +
    "               \"city\": {" +
    "                         \"name\":\"Montreal\"" +
    "                       }" +
    "               }," +
    "        \"to\":{" +
    "               \"description\":\"24 rue de la ville\"," +
    "               \"city\":{" +
    "                       \"name\":\"Sherbrooke\"" +
    "                      }" +
    "              }," +
    "        \"driver\":{" +
    "                  \"first_name\": \"Benjamin\"," +  
    "                  \"image\":\"https://graph.facebook.com/693607843/picture?    type=large\"" +
    "                 }" +
    "        }" +
    "     ]}";

    public static void main( String[] args )
        Gson gson = new Gson();

        Response response = gson.fromJson( jsonString, Response.class );

        System.out.println( gson.toJson( response ) );

    public class Response
        List<Lift> lifts;

    class Lift
        int id;

        String time;

        int capacity;

        float price;

        Address from;

        Address to;

        Driver driver;

    class Address
        String description;

        City city;

    class City
        String name;

    class Driver
        String firstName;

        String image;