2023-09-05 03:31:39 作者:权心权意只爱你

我建立一个C#/。NET 4.5客户端使用JSON.NET一个REST API。该API支持部分更新;因此presence或缺乏上更新了JSON的属性有意义。如果该属性是在JSON,服务器将设置相应的价值;该属性不通过服务器将不会更新。这也适用于空值。我有.NET类为每个模型;为每个JSON属性(pretty的标准)的属性。




  VAR账户= api.GetAccount();
account.Name =鲍勃;



  VAR账户= api.GetAccount();
account.Name =鲍勃;
account.Notes = NULL;

5款好用的 REST API 工具,推荐给你


我的问题是如何在你JSON.NET很好地一起玩这个。 JSON.NET允许控制NullValueHandling基本上说,如果空值应被序列化与否。然而这是不够的在这种情况下。我需要能够确定是否调用code明确设置为空值。有没有推荐的方式来处理呢?




account.Name =鲍勃;




我总是IM $ P $

下面是我结束了。我用了一个ContractResolver,该ShouldSerialize predicate和NullValueHandling属性的组合。这链接是非常有用的。的属性存储在在一个基类ApiModel一个字典;这code是直截了当的。


    {返回this.GetAttributeValue<字符串>(姓名); }
    集合{this.SetAttributeValue<字符串>(名,值); }


  ApiModel.JsonSerializerSettings =新Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings();
ApiModel.JsonSerializerSettings.NullValueHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.NullValueHandling.Include;
ApiModel.JsonSerializerSettings.ContractResolver = ApiModel.JsonContractResolver;

    保护覆盖Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonProperty CreateProperty(System.Reflection.MemberInfo成员,Newtonsoft.Json.MemberSerialization memberSerialization)
        VAR属性= base.CreateProperty(成员,memberSerialization);

        property.ShouldSerialize =
                VAR apiModel =实例作为ApiModel;

                VAR hasAttribute = apiModel.HasAttribute(property.PropertyName);

                property.NullValueHandling = hasAttribute? Newtonsoft.Json.NullValueHandling.Include:Newtonsoft.Json.NullValueHandling.Ignore;



I am building a C#/.NET 4.5 client for a REST API using JSON.NET. The API supports partial updates; therefore the presence or lack of an attribute in the json on an update has meaning. If the attribute is in the json, the server will set the value accordingly; the the attribute is not passed the server will not update it. This also applies to null values. I have .NET classes for each model; with properties for each JSON attribute (pretty standard).

As an example lets say I have this account object (name, notes) that already exists on the server:

   'notes:'these are notes'

If I pass in this json for an update it will update the name, but will leave the notes set to 'these are notes':

var account = api.GetAccount();
account.Name = "bob";


If I pass this json in for an update, it will set the name and the notes to null on the server:

var account = api.GetAccount();
account.Name = "bob";
account.Notes = null;


All good up to this point.

My question is how to you get JSON.NET to play along nicely with this. JSON.NET allows control the NullValueHandling which basically says if null values should be serialized or not. However that is not enough in this case. I need to be able to determine if the calling code explicitly set the value to null. Is there a recommended way to handle this?

Ive tried using a Dictionary internal to my models to store the attributes to be serialized via JSON. This allows me to tell if the attribute has been set to anything (including null) via the presence of the key in the dictionary. I found that this approach has some difficulties and I end up rewriting a lot of code that comes standard to JSON.NET (type serialization, generics, nullables, enums...).

Note: I do realize the above example is a bit contrived. In reality the account object returned back from the server would have both name and notes populated, and that when the update happened it would send both back.

The other case where this applies is during creating objects and handling server generated default. For example, lets say the server defaults the account's notes to 'put notes here' when the account is created. If I pass in the Notes attribute with a null value, the server will think the client wants to set it to null. The reality though is the client is not trying to set the Notes to null, and in this case would want the default to be set.

var account = new Account();
account.Name = "bob";



Im always impressed by JSON.NET...

Here is what I ended up with. I used a combination of a ContractResolver, the ShouldSerialize predicate and the NullValueHandling property. This link was very useful. The properties are stored in a Dictionary in a base class ApiModel; that code is straightforward.

Account Model

public string Name
    get { return this.GetAttributeValue<string>("name"); }
    set { this.SetAttributeValue<string>("name", value); }

Json Serialization

ApiModel.JsonSerializerSettings = new Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings();
ApiModel.JsonSerializerSettings.NullValueHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.NullValueHandling.Include;
ApiModel.JsonSerializerSettings.ContractResolver = ApiModel.JsonContractResolver;

internal class ApiModelContractResolver : Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.DefaultContractResolver
    protected override Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonProperty CreateProperty(System.Reflection.MemberInfo member, Newtonsoft.Json.MemberSerialization memberSerialization)
        var property = base.CreateProperty(member, memberSerialization);

        property.ShouldSerialize =
            instance =>
                var apiModel = instance as ApiModel;

                var hasAttribute = apiModel.HasAttribute(property.PropertyName);

                property.NullValueHandling = hasAttribute ? Newtonsoft.Json.NullValueHandling.Include : Newtonsoft.Json.NullValueHandling.Ignore;

                return hasAttribute;

        return property;