
2023-09-05 02:14:19 作者:路过


I'm use Android studio , and when i build a project , it's give me from Grandle console : Executing tasks: [:app:assembleDebug]' , and it's get stuck on it , and give me no progress !



Well I don't know if you're still looking for a solution..but this might help somebody, someday :

去做的 .gradle 文件夹(C:\用户\ your_user_name \ .gradle) (空格前的.gradle是正确的路径) 创建一个 gradle.properties 文件(如果它不存在) 在把这些线就可以了: go do the .gradle folder (c:\users\your_user_name\ .gradle) (space before of ".gradle" is for correct path) create a gradle.properties file (if it does not exist already) put those lines on it :

org.gradle.daemon = TRUE

org.gradle.parallel = TRUE