
2023-09-05 01:42:33 作者:本是荒野客



    私人IFooProvider fooProvider = MyContainer.GetDefault&其中; IFooProvider>();
         如果(!fooProvider = NULL)fooProvider.Dispose(); //显然这里编译出错



 私人IFooProvider fooProvider =新PatrickProvider();


 私人PatrickProvider defaultFooProvider =新PatrickProvider();
私人IFooProvider fooProvider = defaultFooProvider;
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在使用DI容器就是让你的DI容器处理对象的生命周期为你的最佳做法。这是不可能的,如果你用你的DI容器作为服务定位器(嘘!反模式!!),就像你似乎与 MyContainer.GetDefault 做,但如果你有正确的通过构造函数注入注入你的依赖,那么它会工作得很好。


    //使用fooProvider code

我认为(但我不能100%确定)的使用如果通过会做什么,所以这将工作与否 fooProvider 工具的IDisposable

还有就是的IDisposable ,因为它涉及到依赖性的DI马克塞曼的的 依赖注入.NET 的的第8章。

What is the best way to properly deal with a default implementation of a interface when the interface doesn't inherit from IDisposable? For example, suppose I want to do

public class FooGetter : IDisposable {

    private IFooProvider fooProvider = MyContainer.GetDefault<IFooProvider>();
    public void Dispose(){
         if (fooProvider != null) fooProvider.Dispose(); // obviously has compile error here

And it just so happens that the default implementation of IFooProvider is IDisposable, but IFooProvider interface does not inherit from IDisposable. How/where am I supposed to dispose of it?

The question isn't just for dependency injection containers; it would also apply to a tightly-coupled dependency:

private IFooProvider fooProvider = new PatrickProvider();

In this case, I could keep another reference so that I can later Dispose() it, but that seems really janky:

private PatrickProvider defaultFooProvider = new PatrickProvider();
private IFooProvider fooProvider = defaultFooProvider;

Looking for best (or good) practices here.


Best practices when using a DI container is to let your DI container handle the lifetime of the object for you. This is not possible if you use your DI container as a service locator (boo! anti-pattern!!), like you seem to be doing with MyContainer.GetDefault, but if you properly have your dependencies injected through constructor injection, then it would work well.

For tightly-coupled dependencies, you would have to do something stupid like

using(fooProvider as IDisposable)
    // Code that uses fooProvider

I think (but am not 100% sure) that using will do nothing if passed null, so this will work whether or not fooProvider implements IDisposable.

There is a good discussion of IDisposable as it relates to dependencies an DI in Mark Seemann's Dependency Injection in .NET chapter 8.
