
2023-09-05 01:07:10 作者:低头浅唱﹏内首曲


I have few mp3 files which are speeches. I have used Android Speech to Text before so I know it can store spoken words. Is there any way where we can get the spoken words from the mp3 and display it in a EditText ?


I am thinking about playing the mp3 silently and identify the words, but have no idea about how to do that. I am using Google Speech Engine.




There is no native way to convert an audio file that contains spoken words to text on Android. You'll need to use a third-party API to do this, such as.

A& T公司 Nuance的 iSpeech A&T Nuance iSpeech


And perhaps Pocket Sphinx, although you may have to write the file input stream side of it yourself.

如果你不担心破坏的条款和条件,您可以使用 Chrome浏览器语音API 。

If you're not concerned about breaking terms and conditions, you could use the Chrome Speech API.