
2023-09-05 00:53:00 作者:贪恋妳de温柔~

我有大量的数据,我想导入到一个SQLite数据库。 4column和150行。目前的数据是在一个excel US preadsheet。

I have a large amount of data i want to import into one sqlite database. 4column and 150 rows. Currently the data is in a excel spreadsheet.


How can i import it into my android application?

    String SQL = "create table " + TABLE + "( " 
        + BaseColumns._ID
        + " integer primary key, " 
        + Column1+ " text, "
        + Column2+ " text, "
        + Column3+ " text, " 
        + Column4+ " text);";

        ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
        values.put(DBAdapter.Column1,  "HP");
        values.put(DBAdapter.Column2,  "qw");
        values.put(DBAdapter.Column3,  "5280");
        values.put(DBAdapter.Column4,  "345, 546");
        db.insert(DBAdapter.TABLE, null, values);

        ContentValues values2 = new ContentValues();
        values2.put(DBAdapter.Column1,  "P");
        values2.put(DBAdapter.Column2,  "other");
        values2.put(DBAdapter.Column3,  "other");
        values2.put(DBAdapter.Column4,  "345");



This is how i have inserted two rows into my DB, but i dont want to have to do this for 150?



You could store the information on a CSV file, then read the file and store each row in sqlite.