
2023-09-04 11:54:57 作者:眉眼如初,相思如故


Need help for implementing PUSH notification in android. wanted to know from which android version, push notification will be supported. When i searched for the Android notification service in android, i saw C2DM which will be supported after android 2.2.


If it will be supported after 1.5, please let me know what are the options available to achieve push notification for 1.5 and above.

在此先感谢 斯里尼瓦桑

Thanks in Advance Srinivasan


对于低于2.2,则在Android中没有原生支持。你将不得不使用一些第三方推送通知服务,如 urbanship 或MQTT描述的这里

For below 2.2, there is no native support in Android. You will have to use some third party push notification services like urbanship or mqtt described here


For a good explanation of google c2dm (native push support from google), see this.