
2023-09-04 09:18:55 作者:烟瘾难逃酒瘾难退

我试图发现当列表视图(通过第一项的一半)滚动超出像素某些固定的阈值。不幸的是ListView的getScrollY()似乎总是返回0 instad滚动位置的。有什么办法用像素来获得实际的滚动位置?

I'm trying to detect when a list view is scrolled beyond certain fixed threshold in pixels (half way through the first item). Unfortunately listview's getScrollY() seems to always return 0 instad of the scroll position. Is there any way to get the actual scroll location by pixel?


Here's the code I tried to use but as said it only returns 0.

getListView().setOnScrollListener(new AbsListView.OnScrollListener() {
    public void onScroll(AbsListView view, int firstVisibleItem,
                         int visibleItemCount, int totalItemCount) {
        Log.d("scroll", "scroll: " + getListView().getScrollY());

    public void onScrollStateChanged(AbsListView view, int scrollState) {
        if (scrollState == 0)
        Log.d("scroll", "scrolling stopped");



There is no notion of Y scroll for a ListView in Android simply because the total height of the content is unknown. Only the height of the displayed content is known.


However it is possible to get the current position/Y scroll of a visible item using the following hack:
