如何启用在Android SSL套自签名的证书?证书、Android、SSL

2023-09-04 23:59:38 作者:独钓一江月


I have a self signed server certificate (cert.pem) and need to enable it for SSL sockets in an Android application. Ideally I'd like to package the code as .jar file and not need an external certificate file (i.e. include it into the code).


With this code I can accept all certificates, which is not what I want:

SSLContext sc = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS");
sc.init(null, new TrustManager [] { new MyTrustManager() }, new SecureRandom());


Do I need to add the certificate to a custom KeyManager or the custom TrustManager?

我遇到的一个问题是,Android不接受JKS密钥(KeyStore.getDefaultType()返回BKS): java.security.KeyStoreException:找不到密钥库JKS实施

One problem I've encountered is that Android does not accept JKS keystores (KeyStore.getDefaultType() returns "BKS"): "java.security.KeyStoreException: KeyStore JKS implementation not found"


Any ideas how to proceed would be highly appreciated!



Yes, you need to add the certificate to a custom KeyStore. It is basically a 4-step process:

在获取服务器证书。 导入服务器证书密钥存储在您的应用程序中的原始资源。密钥库类型必须是BKS。 在你的Java / Android程序加载证书到的SSLContext创建您自己的TrustManager。 在使用的SSL连接的SSL连接。

请参阅此链接了解详细的说明和示例code: http://randomizedsort.blogspot.com/2010/09/step-to-step-guide-to-programming.html

See this link for detailed instructions and sample code: http://randomizedsort.blogspot.com/2010/09/step-to-step-guide-to-programming.html

祝你好运。照片 Nehc

Good luck. Nehc