
2023-09-04 09:07:50 作者:龙头の霸主

我已经实现drawerlayout滑动的权利,但它并没有转移的活动,如Facebook的权利没有(见下图)。我如何将当前活动到右侧,当用户点击opendrawer按钮,如上面的image.Currently它出现在活动的顶部和下降shadow.I真的AP preciate任何帮助。先谢谢了。

I have implemented drawerlayout which slides from the right but it does not shift the activity the right like facebook does (See below image). How do I push the current activity to the right side when user taps on opendrawer button like in the above image.Currently it appears on top of activity and drops shadow.I really appreciate any help . Thanks in advance.


我不认为你可以与股票 DrawerLayout 实现它,但是与 SlidingMenu 就可以了, GitHub的回购这里应该说明你所需要的

I don't think you can implement it with the stock DrawerLayout, however with SlidingMenu you can, the GitHub repo here should explain all you need